
Is this where Jesus was tried by Pontius Pilate?

The Last Supper and Pentecost...HERE!

The Temple Mount--Where it IS. Where it ISN'T. What is it FOR?

Archaeology and the Resurrection of Lazarus

Archaeological Evidence for Giants in the Bible?

Archaeology and the Resurrection of Lazarus

Archaeological Evidence for Giants in the Bible?

Bible Evidence Unearthed at Nineveh!

Excavated Canaanite High Place: "the sin of the Amorites"

The Bible Gets It Right: Jesus' Crucifixion Matches History

Jesus' Tomb Explained--the evidence & the story!

Searching for the earliest mention of the Israelite's God, "Yahweh."         

Prophet Found Through Archaeology - Bible Proves True

Exploring Joshua's altar in Israel 

Searching for The Garden of Eden's Pishon River

Exploring Babylon and the Prophecies Against Her

Search for the Tower of Babel

PENIEL: Where Jacob saw the Face of God and lived!

Discovering the MOABITE STONE...MATCHES the Bible!

MAMRE -- Where God Appeared to Abraham!

BETHEL: Where Jacob Met God

Where Jesus Was Crucified: The archaeological evidence!

The Exodus Pharaoh EXPLAINED!

Sulfur Balls of Sodom and Gomorrah

Cave Inscription Reveals Archaeological Evidence for Jesus         

The OLDEST copy of Scripture ever found! (Even older than the Dead Sea Scrolls)

Searching for the earliest mention of the Israelite's God, "Yahweh."         

The Discovery of Joshua's Great Witness Stone at Shechem

The Jesus Tomb...UNMASKED!

The 10 Lost Tribes of Israel - Are They Really Lost?

How do we know what kind of bears were in the Bible ?

Jesus, the Pressed Olive

Unearthing the Prophecy of Jesus' Birthplace

Evidence That King David’s Descendants Survived In Exile

The Place in Israel Where Archeology Was Born

Archaeology of Jacob's Well at Sheckem


Exploring Babylon and the Prophecies Against Her          


King David's Tomb: Part 1 -- Finding It


Archaeology for "the Star who will come from Jacob" 


The Temple Mount--Where it IS. Where it ISN'T. What is it FOR?         


Archaeology and the Resurrection of Lazarus

King David's Tomb: Part 2 - Which Is The Correct Tomb?

Is this where Jesus was tried by Pontius Pilate?

Discovering the MOABITE STONE...MATCHES the Bible!

Prophet Found Through Archaeology - Bible Proves True

Searching for The Garden of Eden's Pishon River 

Searching for the earliest mention of the Israelite's God, "Yahweh."

Evidence That King David’s Descendants Survived In Exile

Unearthing the Prophecy of Jesus' Birthplace

How do we know what kind of bears were in the Bible ? 


Archaeological Evidence for Giants in the Bible?

Bible Evidence Unearthed at Nineveh!

The Last Supper and Pentecost...HERE!

PENIEL: Where Jacob saw the Face of God and lived!

Sodom Burned—Zoar did NOT: The full story of the discovery of the Cities of the Plain!

Sulfur Balls of Sodom and Gomorrah

Jesus, The Soul Shepherd

Jesus, The Grain of Wheat

Excavated Canaanite High Place: "the sin of the Amorites"

The Discovery of Joshua's Great Witness Stone at Shechem

Search for the Tower of Babel

Jericho Unearthed: The Archaeology of Jericho Explained

BETHEL: Where Jacob Met God

The Exodus Pharaoh EXPLAINED!   

The Bible Gets it Right: Jesus' Crucifixion Matches History

MAMRE -- Where God Appeared to Abraham!

Where Jesus Was Crucified: The archaeological evidence!

Cave Inscription Reveals Archaeological Evidence for Jesus